How did Angels Support Group nail their pitch?
For Small Charity Week, I wanted to share with you one of the most impressive pitches for support I've seen live in a long time, which just so happens to be from a small charity, Angels Support Group, at a recent The Funding Network Herts event. You can watch it below (subtitles available) and I'll see you when you get back, down below.
This pitch to a small room of potential supporters literally raised thousands. Brilliant, isn't it? So why does it work so well?
It's disarmingly honest - I love the detail about naming the group Angels after their pub... but also their children... but also the Robbie Williams song.
You can see there are nerves there, but that's absolutely fine - the speakers have harnessed their anxiety and it comes across authentically as passion.
It's short and attention-grabbing - only a handful of minutes. There's no time for anyone's mind to wander.
There's a clear ask at the end, pitched at the right levels for the audience.
The second speaker lends weight with a personal "case-study" story, though clearly for both speakers it's extremely personal - they are inviting us into their world.
The dramatic slides behind them enhance their words and don't distract from them, creating the right mood for each part of their pitch.
They very clearly in a short space of time answer all the key questions. Who are they? Where do they operate? What issues are they tackling? When are they needed? Why is it important? How do Angels Suppo