Be bold, be disruptive, be funny! I Wish I’d Thought Of That 2019
This wasn't the first, the second or even the third time I'd been to an #IWITOT session.
They're always inspiring events - talented fundraisers showcasing the inspiring efforts of others they wish they'd thought of.
This time, I resolved to write a Twitter thread, below, featuring all 18 presentations, and I'm glad I did despite the numbness it eventually induced in my fingers! Go ahead! Click through to get a sense of all of the presentations:
Packed house for #IWITOT...Ill be live tweeting all the presentations. It's one of my fave events because everyone's showcasing the work of others they wish they'd thought of. No humble bragging here! Please retweet to share the inspiration (hopefully) in this thread! pic.twitter.com/Bw9v4WAVl6— Richard Sved (@richardsved) February 21, 2019
But what were the key themes and highlights for me?
Be Bold
This arose time and again. Andy admired the irreverent and creative fundraising efforts of Cancer Research UK's Stand Up 2 Cancer's campaign, which turned the traditional donation menu on its head. For £50, for example, Channel 4 would insult Piers Morgan on Twitter for you, with hilarious results. Wayne Murray, while introducing WaterAid's brilliant #UnTapped campaign, urged us all to be bolder, to break some rules because the usual stuff wasn't working anymore.
Go to where the people are
Audible gasps at #IWITOT as @Lucy_Casey unveils the #fundraising results of the Breast Cancer Research Foundation'