“This is not a time for pessimism. Charity giving is alive & kicking.” My notes from CIOF’s #FirstThursday on Community Fundraising
Is the glass half empty or half full when it comes to community events fundraising and how it has responded to the pandemic? What are the lesson to be learned from lockdown?
Here are my notes from the recent #FirstThursday event. As ever, click through to the thread to read more gleaned from the excellent presentations by Sarah Goddard, Clara Gill, Sean Forshaw and Leah Lewis.
I'm at #FirstThursday panel discussion @CIOFSELondon @IoF_Community with @FundraiserSarah @civitas_consult @claraaction @SeanAlzUK 1st up Clara on @mariecurieuk pandemic response:"We hit the phones, talked about the hole, and what we were doing to fill it. Raised over £7M" pic.twitter.com/zpq7sO4nuL— Richard Sved (@richardsved) December 3, 2020
Sarah Goddard also wrote a blog based on her presentation, as below, and the whole session is up on YouTube, also below.
"Your supporters may need you as much as you need them"One of the things I spoke about last week at 'Lessons from Lockdown' .Blog post here: https://t.co/jGcPBADIy7 pic.twitter.com/hqEbId6TDI— Sarah Goddard (@FundraiserSarah) December 7, 2020