James, football stickers and underpants – my top 10 most popular blogs in 2014!
I've been blogging about all sorts in 2014, normally just about managing to relate the topic back to some aspect of the charity sector.
And, amazingly, my blogs have been viewed over 13,000 times this year.
So, without further ado, here are my top 10 most viewed of 2014.
1. 'Got. Got. Need.' Confessions of a football sticker collector
I reveal my previously secret addiction to collecting World Cup football stickers, which - surprisingly - works quite well as an analogy for how charities should communicate with their supporters...
2. Men’s underpants and why charities need to think about them
Why are men's underpants relevant to the charity sector? If you didn't realise there was a bit of a link, you should read this blog.
3. Why we should listen to James, the station announcer
James was the station announcer at my local station. I wrote this blog because I loved the way he communicated with commuters, and I believe charities can learn a lot from him.
4. WWND? Seven lessons from a great manager
This is a blog detailing some of the many lessons I learned while working for the best manager I have had (so far).
5. 'Dear Richard aged 21... from Richard, aged 42'
I went bag to my old university for a careers day, and was inspired to write a letter to my 21 year old self. It features many of the things I know now that I wish I'd known then.
6. The evening I grew up as a fundraiser
This blog describes a sem