Turning the wheel of fundraising fortune
Discover fundraising strategy using our strategy cycle diagram which encapsulates the fundraising process.
There’s a fundraising strategy diagram that features in the introduction to Fundraising Strategy, the new book I’ve just co-written with the brilliant Dr Claire Routley, which I am proud to say is published in November by DSC. It is our interpretation of the fundraising strategy cycle and I’m going to talk you through its genesis in this short article to explain the thinking behind it. Read on!
Fundraising Strategy wheel
The origins of the diagram
In my many years of developing fundraising strategies for charities, and training others to develop strategies of their own, I’ve been asked for templates or models to encapsulate the fundraising process so many times. I’ve always been reluctant to give them because every charity’s situation is different and the process is so inter-connected. Mind you, if I had a pound for every time I’ve been asked for one… that’s quite a good fundraising idea!
Funnily enough, the diagram or model that we did come up with for the book didn’t appear in the first draft, mainly because we hadn’t drawn it at that point! One of our kind reviewers suggested that a flow chart diagram would be really helpful to show the order in which fundraisers should tackle key elements when developing their fundraising strategy. The book is divided into the following chapters and you might think that fundraisers could follow th