Fundraising strategy: what do leaders need to do? Blog 4 – what are we leaving for our organisations’ future leaders?
This blog series is based on a session I presented at Fundraising Everywhere’s Charity Leadership Festival alongside Desiree D’Souza, Executive Director of Social Innovation at See Ability.
In that session, available in full from Fundraising Everywhere here – and so also in this blog series, we look at what fundraising leaders and the leadership team across charities need to do to develop and implement their organisation’s fundraising strategy successfully. We consider key issues such as how to get buy in, mitigating risk, and the importance of storytelling. We also consider the importance of focusing on team wellbeing, how to focus on the bigger fundraising picture and think about the time when you will pass the fundraising baton on to your successors. The first blog, on first principles for fundraising strategy leadership is here. The second blog, on leadership in uncertain times, is here. The third blog, on the importance of storytelling, is here. This is the fourth blog, on what we leave behind.
Richard, I know we both like to see ourselves as custodians when we work at charities. We're there for a while and then we and our teams potentially hand over our roles to our successors. What do you think about, in terms of what we leave for our future leaders?
I think about this a lot, because I normally work in organisations for a relatively short periods – no more than a year most of the time, and sometimes three to six mont